From cellular to social, numerous dynamic and integrated variables influence how the body functions on the inside and out. Within my academic and professional work, I explore, analyze and promote a deeper understanding about these connections.

As an interdisciplinary researcher and instructor, I work across the fields of kinesiology, medicine, critical studies and the humanities. I study health, hormones, and the body, and I am currently pursuing a doctorate. My research explores women's health and female hormone manipulation within sport and medicine.

For the past decade, I have also been a practitioner, consultant, author, and educator within the world of strength and fitness. Over the years, I’ve worked with a wide range of individuals and organizations, including top-level athletes, special populations, health professionals, and strength coaches worldwide, and lectured at events worldwide. My specialties include athlete-centered coaching methods, functional health and performance enhancement education.

Each and every day, I am so thankful to be able to discover and promote a deeper understanding of how the body functions on the inside and out.

With the introductions out of the way, welcome to the relaunch of my website.

It's been a longtime coming, but I couldn't be happier to finally have a platform to build and share knowledge with all of you. Together with my amazing team, we will continue to refine, create and upload new connect along the way, because this crazy beautiful journey is just getting started. 

From those who have stuck by me since I started my first fitness blog back in 2008, all the way to new friends, followers, and passersby, thank you. Your support and encouragement has lead me to where I am, who I am, and what I am doing today - and that is living my passion.


With love and gratitude,

Victoria Felkar


P.s. Just in case you're wondering, when I get spare time I love to lift heavy things, soapbox, venture down the rabbit hole, and meditate with my dog.

This is my purpose, my passion, my crazy beautiful life.

Gratitude taught me acceptance. Acceptance showed me how to embrace. By learning to embrace, I became me.