Translating Research into Personalized Health and Performance.
Sitting at the junction of academic research, medicine and fitness industry, I specialize in providing individual-centered approaches to coaching, women's and functional health, and integrated understandings of performance enhancement. My passion is to build and share knowledge.
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From my scholarly work to magazine columns, training tips to lecture materials – get a brain workout with a sample of articles, publications, blogs, recipes & other VF reads.
Before you can build a body, you have to first understand how it works. Get the knowledge and tools needed to improve your own, or others health and performance. View service page.
Explore complex issues, and discover practical strategies with a collection of visual education materials including clips from seminars and lectures, Q&As, and uncensored vlog explanations.
Tailored for each group, seminars bridge research, clinical guidelines and practical strategies to enable applied personal, optimal and sustainable health and performance outcomes. Learn more.
Voice breathes life into my research and work. Be apart of the conversation and connect to the intimate, raw, and always educational podcasts that I’ve had the privilege of being a guest on.
Private or public talks, lectures, seminars and workshops, give a platform for sharing knowledge. Contact me to learn about hosting one, and let’s learn and explore together! Upcoming events.