Level Up: Contraception, Women’s Health & Steroid Use:

Level Up With Sharelle and Dani

Today we had an extremely in depth conversation with Victoria Felkar who is a practitioner, consultant, author and educator.

She specialises in women’s health, hormones and steroid use in the female athlete. Which also includes hormonal contraception.

Victoria also has an incredible story behind her drive and passion for research and education, which really shines through in the episode.

There are two parts to this conversation.

1. Menstruation & contraception (0:00 - 60:07)

2. The health consequences of steriod use in bodybuilding (Start 60:07)

Enjoy this informative episode!

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Anghami: https://play.anghami.com/podcast/1023776104

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/ep-95-contraception-womens-health-steroid-use-with/id1490923468?i=1000536065246

Spotify: https://anchor.fm/luwsd/episodes/Ep-95--Contraception--Womens-Health--Steroid-Use-with-Victoria-Felkar-e17jsc7


