
The Excellence Cartel: Diving into PCOS

The Excellence Cartel: Episode 31

I had the privilege of joining Jason Theobald, Jeffrey Su, and Jeff Black on The Excellence Cartel podcast to discuss all things polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) - or, as I prefer to call it, anovulatory androgen excess (AAE).

We went in depth on the drivers and root causes of this highly complex and dynamic reproductive metabolic disorder, including touching on genetics, epigenetics, lifestyle, and other contributing co-factors. Throughout the show, I provide some insight as to where to start in terms of finding the right treatment and care for each individual case.

I hope you enjoy the show!


Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-31-diving-into-pcos-with-victoria-felkar/id1473504650?i=1000469476837

Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy9jYzZhMDc4L3BvZGNhc3QvcnNz

Podparadise: https://www.podparadise.com/Podcast/1473504650

Radio Public: https://radiopublic.com/the-excellence-cartel-WwnnYZ

anchor.fm: https://anchor.fm/theexcellencecartel

Learn more about The Excellence Cartel:

The Excellence Cartel IG: @the_excellence_cartel

Jason Theobald: @scoobyprep1_ifbbpro

Jeffrey Su: @firstcalloutfitness

Jeff Black: @jeffunbreakableblack



The CK Podcast: The Oral Contraceptive Pill

Finishing up 2018 strong with yet another podcast!

I had the pleasure of speaking with Chris Knott about the Oral Contraceptive Pill. I am so grateful to Chris for having me on his show, and asking me some of the best questions I’ve had to date.

Check out his summary of the show below!

“The stigma surrounding male anabolic steroid use is something well and truly still present in society. If a man were to experience unwanted side effects from AAS use he would be labelled as stupid for risking his hormonal health for aesthetic or performance reasons.

This being said, there is little to no difference in the way female contraception is administered to prevent pregnancies. Ovulation is inhibited by disruption of the regular hormonal cycle through the application of exogenous Estrogen and/or Progesterone.

This “can” lead to severe health issues if not treated responsibly through diligent lifestyle choices, I.e. being on top of nutrition, digestion, sleep and stress management.

Interested in learning more? Tune in to my latest podcast with Victoria Felkar for an absolute masterclass in everything you need to know about the oral contraceptive pill.”







Learn more about The Chris Knott Podcast
IG: @chris_knott_
WEB: http://www.chrisknottpt.com/category/podcast/

EliteFTS: Female Athletes & Exogenous Substances

From your digestion to your sleep to your cognition, exogenous hormone use has dramatic effects on your entire body. However, there is a subconscious idea that when a drug is taken it, it's actions and influence will stay within a tidy little box of ‘intended’ outcomes. The reality is, pharmaceuticals influence nearly every system in your body.

If that wasn’t enough, the chaos effect of a drug must be compounded with other variables such as the fluidity of a women's hormonal life course (puberty, perimenopause), an extraordinarily stressful physiological event (ie. competing or acute illness), or the ongoing multiple small daily stressors, like training at a high capacity without adequate nutrition and sleep. Needless to say, there are so many factors that on their own or together with others, can manifest in immediate, ongoing, and future health consequences.

But, these risks don't just come from drugs used for enhancement purposes either. Although the 'finger' is pointed at anabolic-androgenic steroids for causing massive system-wide dysfunctions within the body, steroids like oral contraceptives - espescially when taken at the beginning of a female's reproductive period - have the capacity to result in lingering effects for health.

Breaking down myths, speaking to the knowledge gap, and critically thinking about the information you read and receive will go a long way in helping to improve the current state of women's health. Blissful, willful and reckless ignorance won’t help the situation, or the women affected by it. Get informed, get critical, and build knowledge by breaking down myths.

Read the full write-up from EliteFTS here.

Write here…

EliteFTS: www.elitefts.com
FB: @elitefts
IG: @elitefts
YT: Dave Tate