hormone manipulation

The Excellence Cartel: Diving into PCOS

The Excellence Cartel: Episode 31

I had the privilege of joining Jason Theobald, Jeffrey Su, and Jeff Black on The Excellence Cartel podcast to discuss all things polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) - or, as I prefer to call it, anovulatory androgen excess (AAE).

We went in depth on the drivers and root causes of this highly complex and dynamic reproductive metabolic disorder, including touching on genetics, epigenetics, lifestyle, and other contributing co-factors. Throughout the show, I provide some insight as to where to start in terms of finding the right treatment and care for each individual case.

I hope you enjoy the show!


Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-31-diving-into-pcos-with-victoria-felkar/id1473504650?i=1000469476837

Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy9jYzZhMDc4L3BvZGNhc3QvcnNz

Podparadise: https://www.podparadise.com/Podcast/1473504650

Radio Public: https://radiopublic.com/the-excellence-cartel-WwnnYZ

anchor.fm: https://anchor.fm/theexcellencecartel

Learn more about The Excellence Cartel:

The Excellence Cartel IG: @the_excellence_cartel

Jason Theobald: @scoobyprep1_ifbbpro

Jeffrey Su: @firstcalloutfitness

Jeff Black: @jeffunbreakableblack



TRT Hormone Optimization: All Things Hormones

TRT Hormone Optimization: All Things Hormones

I had the opportunity to sit down with Danny Bossa and talk about all things hormones! We talk about different factors that influence testosterone and testosterone replacement therapy. Check out the two part episode below!

Part 1

Part 2

Learn more about TRT and Hormone Optimization

PRIVATE FB GROUP: TRT and Hormone Optimization

YOUTUBE: TRT and Hormone Optimization

TRT Revolution with Jay Campbell

How to Help Chemically Castrated Women Get Their Health Back

This podcast was everything! I had a fabulous time chatting with Mr. TOT himself, Jay Campbell of TOT Revolution. I met Jay at SWIS in October 2018, and loved the no b.s. energy and endless passion he brought to the conversation of hormone replacement therapy. His mission to provide the best education possible through partnering with the world’s best is also so near and dear to my own heart.

Thanks Jay for everything! Can’t wait for the next opportunity to talk shop with you!

Check out Jay’s amazing summary and show notes below.

Women’s health has been neglected and filled with myths and ignorance since the beginning of endocrinology.

Why is progesterone one of the most underestimated and misunderstood hormones, and what are its uses?

How has birth control destroyed the health of both men and women?

How can we help chemically castrated women get access to lifesaving healthcare?

On this episode, I talk with health practitioner, consultant, author, and educator, Victoria Felkar about what’s getting in the way of the help women need and what can be done about it.

The more you screw with hormones earlier in life, the more you’re setting yourself up for difficulty later on— but the salvation is in lifestyle.

-Victoria Felkar

At the start of the show, we talked about why women’s endocrinology is handled so badly, and the double standards that cause this.

Next we talked about the connection between hormones and sport, and how the stigma was born. We discussed how hormones are used at the elite levels of sport and how birth control is destroying us.

We also talked about the alarming warning signs about menstrual cycles that we shouldn’t ignore.

We also discussed:

  • Why progesterone is a wonder hormone

  • How hormones can be used as tools, not crutches

  • The commonality of performance enhancement in sport

  • The importance of tracking your hormonal bio-feedback

So many women are suffering because hormones like progesterone have been so maligned. At the same time, birth control pills have been misused and abused.

The truth is, the more you screw with hormones earlier on in life through birth control, fertility drugs, and other substances, the more intense the issues will be later on in life.

Lifestyle is actually a very important part of women’s reproductive health, not the manipulation of menstrual cycles we are seeing today.

If you have lower rates of stress, you’re going to improve your reproductive health. The woman’s body has its own built in clock, and it’s like a symphony that requires all the instruments.

If we start manipulating or removing some parts, there’s no telling how bad the impact will be, and we’re definitely starting to see the negative downstream effects now.





Learn more about Jay Campbell & The TOT Revolution
WEB: http://www.totrevolution.com
IG: @TOTrevolution
FB: @TRTexpert
YOUTUBE: TOT Revolution

The CK Podcast: The Oral Contraceptive Pill

Finishing up 2018 strong with yet another podcast!

I had the pleasure of speaking with Chris Knott about the Oral Contraceptive Pill. I am so grateful to Chris for having me on his show, and asking me some of the best questions I’ve had to date.

Check out his summary of the show below!

“The stigma surrounding male anabolic steroid use is something well and truly still present in society. If a man were to experience unwanted side effects from AAS use he would be labelled as stupid for risking his hormonal health for aesthetic or performance reasons.

This being said, there is little to no difference in the way female contraception is administered to prevent pregnancies. Ovulation is inhibited by disruption of the regular hormonal cycle through the application of exogenous Estrogen and/or Progesterone.

This “can” lead to severe health issues if not treated responsibly through diligent lifestyle choices, I.e. being on top of nutrition, digestion, sleep and stress management.

Interested in learning more? Tune in to my latest podcast with Victoria Felkar for an absolute masterclass in everything you need to know about the oral contraceptive pill.”







Learn more about The Chris Knott Podcast
IG: @chris_knott_
WEB: http://www.chrisknottpt.com/category/podcast/

EliteFTS: How to Be a Healthy Competitor

Competing places a huge toll on the human body - and sometimes it can get out of hand. As a result, one 'thing' can go astray - like digestion or sleep - and in turn, this causes a chain reaction. Suddenly, your entire system is in meltdown mode.

Instead of getting to this point, it is important to focus on being proactive instead of reactive in the way you treat your body. The best way to do this is to maintain your body’s foundation.

You can’t manipulate or enhance something that isn’t there. Build your foundation first, and continue to manage it in order to help mitigate the risks associated with performance.

Read the full write up here.


EliteFTS: www.elitefts.com
FB: @elitefts
IG: @elitefts
YT: Dave Tate


The Muscle Nerd Podcast: Females on Steroids

The Muscle Nerd Podcast #11

Had an awesome early morning chat with @the_muscle_nerd_podcast. In the episode we spoke about female using performance enhancing drugs or more specifically anabolic steroids. 

I’m a morning person through and through, but a 14 hour time difference meant we had to start recording at 5am. While I always strive to keep things real and make sure anything I put out is organic, authentic and candid, I have a feeling that my #felkaring was extra in this episode! Thanks again Gus for having me on. The iTunes link is in my bio!












Learn more about The Muscle Nerd Podcast:
IG: @the_muscle_nerd_podcast


Advices Radio: The Menstrual Cycle

Advices Radio with Scott McNally #58

This podcast makes me smile. My good friend, Scott McNally gave me a huge challenge to cover the menstrual cycle in a concise, easy to digest way that would provide listeners with a practical understanding of an incredibly complex process. Thank you Scott for providing me with another opportunity to do what I love!

Within the podcast, we explore the shifting kaleidoscope of hormones that are part of the menstrual cycle. The goal of this program is to help promote a better understanding of what is actually happening, which is a difficult task since every female body is unique.












Learn more about Advices Radio:
FB: @advices.radio
YOUTUBE: Advices Radio


The Vanguard Sessions Podcast: Drug Talk

The Vanguard Sessions with Andrew Rose #10


Back at podcast guesting thanks to Andy Rose and The Vanguard Sessions!

I first met Andy a few weeks back at the elitefts Sport Performance Summit. I was on stage just about to sit down with the other presenters for a Q&A session, when he introduced himself and asked me if I would be interested in coming on his podcast. In the days following, after exchanging banter and chatting about the current state of the industry, I knew that this was going to be a great podcast experience.

From the pervasive and historical use of drugs in sport, to talking about some of the current issues surrounding anabolics and women's health, we dive into the PED abyss. Thanks again Andy!








Andy's Summary: 

I think it's high time we unbury our heads from the sand. Drugs - the performance enhancing kind - are here and they're here to stay. What's not here, unfortunately, is the data needed to help keep us healthy and safe. Sure, we're all getting bigger, faster, and stronger. Are we dying quicker? Are we destroying our bodies faster than we're repairing them? Will we ever have the answers? Or will we keep fumbling around in the dark using anecdotal broscience from some forum our old gym buddy once read on his ex-cousin-in-law's phone? This is a long episode, but I couldn't cut it short. There was way too much to be discussed.  Enjoy.  




Learn more about Andy Rose & The Vanguard Sessions podcast:
FB: @AndrewRose
IG: @vanguardbarbell


Ask Me Anything E4: Keto, Fasting & Why I Hate Diets

Then there were 4! 

In the fourth episode of Ask Me Anything, I provide a response to two separate questions on nutrition protocols: (1) Keto for Fat Loss in Women; (2) Intermittent Fasting for Longevity. 

But in typical VF fashion, what I talk about is far from the overly generalized and 'absolute' answers that often get thrown around to these types of questions. I cover all of this and more → 
· A reminder why diets are only temporary
· The often forgotten therapeutic role of food
· A 'diet' is only as good as your digestion. 
· The Keto, PCOS & gallbladder connection ... (aka. why your poop is yellow liquid & burps smell like sulphur) 
· #gutlife - The importance of a healthy gut microbiome & functioning GI system
· Personal story about my own digestion troubles, elimination diets & trigger foods,  
· Why a tummy ache isn't the only thing you have when your digestion sucks
· Things to consider about about specific protocols like keto & IF
· Dispel some industry nutrition myths
· Provide some practical tips for eating for your BODY, health, performance and goals

Then there were 4! In the fourth episode of Ask Me Anything, I provide a response to two separate questions on nutrition protocols: (1) Keto for Fat Loss in Women; (2) Intermittent Fasting for Longevity. But in typical VF fashion, what I talk about is far from the overly generalized and 'absolute' answers that often get thrown around to these types of questions.

Don't forget, eat for your body, eat for your goals! 

If you like what you see - feel free to share and comment below. Want me to cover a topic or quesiton a video? Please shoot me a DM or leave a comment. 

Video by: Alora Griffiths
FB: Alora Griffiths
IG: @aloragriffiths


Ask Me Anything E3: Women & Hair Loss

Ask Me Anything

Internal and External Variables for Female Hair Loss (including androgen use)

From hats to hormones, seasonal changes to genetics, there are a lot of internal and external variables that make this topic a complicated one!

To get to the root of female hair loss, within the video I talk about →

  • Why hair loss is more than just about androgens 
  • The multi-factorial basis of hair loss
  • Internal & external variables that contribute to hair loss including
  • Some factors that aren't often get considered
  • My own experience with PCOS, hair loss, and frustrations with physicians
  • Androgenic alopecia (AA), PCOS & anabolic-androgenic hormones
  • The combination effect: managing individual precursors & variables for AA
  • Various treatment routes for AA
  • Why knowing the ingredients of your hair products matters
  • PEDs and their influence on hair loss


If you like what you see, feel free to share. If you have any questions you'd like me to cover please feel free to shoot me a message.

Video Location: Android Bodies
FB: Android Bodies Inc.
IG: @androidbodies

Video by: Alora Griffiths
FB: Alora Griffiths
IG: @aloragriffiths

Ask Me Anything E2: Periods, Training & Hormonal Adaptations

Ask Me Anything

Can you breakdown the stages of a women’s menstrual cycle, and how training volume/intensity should be adapted to their cycle?


I tackle this question by discussing why in my opinion you can't actually adequately adapt training to an individual's menstrual cycle. To do so, I cover all of this and more:

  • Menstrual life cycle & the huge degree of individual variance
  • The influence of various hormonal adaptions such as birth control, exogenous hormones & training
  • Why lab work is hard to do
  • Training for your own individual menstrual cycle including controlling inflammation
  • Some key biofeedback markers to track and follow

In this episode I tackle the question: Can you breakdown the stages of a women's menstrual cycle, and how training volume/intensity should be adapted to their cycle? I tackle this question by discussing why in my opinion you can't actually adequately adapt training to an individual's menstrual cycle.

If you like what you see, feel free to share. If you have any questions you'd like me to cover please feel free to shoot me a message.

Video Location: Android Bodies
FB: Android Bodies Inc.
IG: @androidbodies

Video by: Alora Griffiths
FB: Alora Griffiths
IG: @aloragriffiths


Muscle Expert: Hormone Manipulation & Food as Therapy

Muscle Expert Podcast with Ben Pakulski #58

USING food as a therapeutic tool and hormone manipulation in sports


Can’t thank Ben Pakulski enough for having me on The Muscle Expert. I'll admit, I was nervous as all when I found out that I was the first female guest - but I think he managed to keep the entire conversation organic and flowing by not telling me we were even recording! Seriously, though - this was such a good podcast, and it was great to catch up, talk shop and educate on some really critical topics. Thanks again Ben!


Key Highlights:

  • How to balance fat ratios.
  • The menstrual cycle myth and why women should be wary of missing their menstrual cycle.
  • Glucose disposal agents, sex hormones, sleep deprivation, post-diet binge eating mitigation strategies.  


"Just don't eat like an asshole" 











Learn more about Ben Pakulski & The Muscle Expert podcast:
FB: @IFBBbenpakFANPage
IG: @ifbbbenpak
Youtube: MI40 Muscle Intelligence



Time Stamps:

4:00 Victoria's dissertation topic, exploring the world of female hormonal manipulation in elite sport.

10:47 Hyperandrogenism in females. 

11: 40 Metformin for women post competition.

13:40 Strategies for women recovering from androgen use. 

16:12 Progestron, chronic inflammation and more.

17:35 Reducing dietary triggers, changing your breakfast and eliminating the major allergenic foods.

20:06 Testing for gut health, food mapping protocols, and biofeedback.

21:50 Using food as a therapeutic tool. 

23:38 Balancing fat ratios. 

25:29 The modern American diet,

25:1 omega 6:3 ratio? 

28:50 Women, the first line of defense to overcome the psychology the binge and purge mindset. 

33:43 Glucose disposal agents, hormones, sleep deprivation. 

38:05 Less is more when it comes to training and more is more when it comes to food.

39:00 The menstrual cycle myth.

42:10 Victoria's book, nonhormonal ways to fix hormonal imbalances. 

45:50 The critical biopsychosocial physical ecological model of dynamic relations. 

52:00 Finding gratitude and acceptance.

56:42 Managing variables. 

1:00:20 Morning routines and avoiding emails.  




SWIS 2016 Clip: Post-Comp Strategies

From my talk at the 2016 SWIS Symposium on Female Competitor Health. In this clip from the SWIS 2016 Video library,  I discuss post competition strategies, and introduce the cconcept of changing your training strategy to re-frame how you think about your body post-show. 

See more at: http://swisvideo.com/collections/all

Learn more about SWIS:
Access to SWIS videos
FB: Swis Video

SWIS 2016 Clip: PCOS

From my talk at the 2016 SWIS Symposium on Female Competitor Health. In this clip from the SWIS 2016 Video library,  I discuss PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and the steroid list women may take for competition ... aka pixiedust. 


Learn more about SWIS:
Access to SWIS videos
FB: Swis Video

Resources on Women & Steroids

QA in 8:

Resources that Discuss Women & Steroids

In the first Q&A in 8, I try to start a much bigger conversation on women and anabolic steroids, specifically highlighting a question about potential resources.

In the first Q&A in 8, Victoria starts a much bigger conversation on women and anabolic steroids, specifically highlighting a question about potential resources.


The Bigger Prep Picture


VF Uncensored

The bigger prep picture

In this video I discuss a few key, yet often overlooked elements of contest prep. By asking some tough questions, I try to get critical in order to educate about the bigger prep picture.

My goal with VF Uncensored is to host a longer, uncensored conversation, on various topics that are taboo, lack information and scholarship, or simply have never been discussed before.

In this episode, Victoria discusses a few key, yet often overlooked elements of contest prep. By asking some tough questions, Victoria gets critical in order to educate about the bigger prep picture. The goal of VF Uncensored is to host a longer, uncensored conversation, on various topics that are taboo, lack information and scholarship, or simply have never been discussed before.

EMBody Radio: Females & Androgens

EMBody Radio with Emily Duncan #11

PART 2: Female Athletes and Androgenic Drugs

Part 2 of the interview I did with the wonderful Emily Duncan of EMBody Radio. In the second half of the podcast, we chatted about the pink jacked elephant of the fitness industry - women and anabolic steroids, the implications of AAS on female athletes, if steroids can be taken safely, and some of the more intricate workings around females and anabolic drugs. 








Learn more about Emily Duncan
IG: @em_dunc
FB: @emilyduncanfitness

EMBody Radio: PCOS

EMBody Radio with Emily Duncan #10

Part 1: PCOS History, Causes, Symptoms and Management

Super excited to share part 1 of the podcast I did with Em Duncan of #embodyradio on PCOS. In this episode, we chatted all things PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), why it's such a mystery in the medical community, the history of PCOS, causes, symptoms, and strategies for PCOS management.  







Learn more about Emily Duncan
IG: @em_dunc
FB: @emilyduncanfitness


Elite Muscle Radio: Girls on Steroids

Elite Muscle Radio with Phil Graham #64

GIRLS ON STEROIDS? The Growing Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Female Fitness


There's a first time for everything... even recording a podcast! I'm so grateful to Phil Graham for having me on Elite Muscle Radio. We chatted all things #femchem - the growing use of anabolics in female gym goers, implications, how use has changed over time, and more. This is a massively complicated and controversial topic - and one that for the most part, has been completely ignored or overly simplified. Much needed attention, discussion and education can happen with opportunities such as this, so thanks again Phil for having me on your show! 







Learn more about Phil Graham:
IG: @philgraham01
FB: @philgrahamfitness