oral contraceptives

The Team LoCoFit Show: PCOS & Insulin Resistance

Ep 69: PCOS: Symptoms and diagnosis with Victoria Felkar

In this week’s episode of the Team LoCoFit round table, Laurin and Victoria Felkar talk about what PCOS is and what it is not, some of the common symptoms, the diagnostic criteria for PCOS and what the different types of PCOS mean for you. Make sure to leave us a review on iTunes! (10 stars only)

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N019DaQPbx0

Ep 70: Insulin resistance, Infertility and Dieting with PCOS

In this week’s episode of the Team LoCoFit round table, Laurin and Victoria Felkar answered your questions about PCOS and fertility. They go over managing the side effects of high testosterone, competing with PCOS, do you need to be low carb to manage the symptoms and much more.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcQGZHjbh3Y

For more information about coaching, visit www.teamlocofit.com

Level Up: Contraception, Women’s Health & Steroid Use:

Level Up With Sharelle and Dani

Today we had an extremely in depth conversation with Victoria Felkar who is a practitioner, consultant, author and educator.

She specialises in women’s health, hormones and steroid use in the female athlete. Which also includes hormonal contraception.

Victoria also has an incredible story behind her drive and passion for research and education, which really shines through in the episode.

There are two parts to this conversation.

1. Menstruation & contraception (0:00 - 60:07)

2. The health consequences of steriod use in bodybuilding (Start 60:07)

Enjoy this informative episode!

Please leave us a review to let us know what you think of our podcast 😊  xxx

Anghami: https://play.anghami.com/podcast/1023776104

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/ep-95-contraception-womens-health-steroid-use-with/id1490923468?i=1000536065246

Spotify: https://anchor.fm/luwsd/episodes/Ep-95--Contraception--Womens-Health--Steroid-Use-with-Victoria-Felkar-e17jsc7




Super Human Radio: Women and Anabolic Steroids (& Hormonal Contraceptives)

SHR#2427: Women and Anabolic Steroids: The Intersect Between Health & Performance

I was honored to have an opportunity to sit down with the godfather of fitness podcasting, Carl Lanore, to discuss all things women and steroids. Although the interview started off with more focus on women and anabolic androgenic steroids, we quickly shifted gears to also include the use of hormonal contraceptives.

Carl and I covered a lot of ground - health implications associated with use, management techniques, and even off-topic discussions about the hormonal impact of hysterectomies, myths about women’s health, and my views on post-menopausal hormone replacement therapy.

I was fired up and excited to share a lot of new material - helping to make this another one of my best podcasts to date. Enjoy!

ps. Remember, by sharing and reposting, you’re helping to spread critical knowledge on this highly misunderstood and under-discussed topic.

Check out the show summary below.

More and more women are driven to present shredded, muscular physiques. From Hollywood actresses preparing for a role in an action movie to athletes competing in sports. Everyday women are now adapting this look and as such are turning to performance and appearance enhancing drugs to get the job done. But do high levels of androgens posses a unique risk to women? And can that risk be mitigated by taking specific steps? This interview became so much more when the discussion about hormonal birth control pills entered the mix. So many women don't realize their birth control is doing many of the same things performance enhancing drugs are doing.

An unedited show transcript can be found here.

Podcast LINK:



Watch the interview on Facebook.

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Learn more about Carl & Super Human Radio

WEB: https://superhumanradio.net/
IG: @carl.lanore
FB: @SuperHuamnRadioNetwork


The CK Podcast: The Oral Contraceptive Pill

Finishing up 2018 strong with yet another podcast!

I had the pleasure of speaking with Chris Knott about the Oral Contraceptive Pill. I am so grateful to Chris for having me on his show, and asking me some of the best questions I’ve had to date.

Check out his summary of the show below!

“The stigma surrounding male anabolic steroid use is something well and truly still present in society. If a man were to experience unwanted side effects from AAS use he would be labelled as stupid for risking his hormonal health for aesthetic or performance reasons.

This being said, there is little to no difference in the way female contraception is administered to prevent pregnancies. Ovulation is inhibited by disruption of the regular hormonal cycle through the application of exogenous Estrogen and/or Progesterone.

This “can” lead to severe health issues if not treated responsibly through diligent lifestyle choices, I.e. being on top of nutrition, digestion, sleep and stress management.

Interested in learning more? Tune in to my latest podcast with Victoria Felkar for an absolute masterclass in everything you need to know about the oral contraceptive pill.”







Learn more about The Chris Knott Podcast
IG: @chris_knott_
WEB: http://www.chrisknottpt.com/category/podcast/