Communication & the 4Ps
The Taboo, and discuss the important of communication and the 4Ps.
Communication & the 4Ps
The Taboo, and discuss the important of communication and the 4Ps.
Uploaded by Victoria Felkar on 2017-03-04.
Super excited to share part 1 of the podcast I did with Em Duncan of #embodyradio on PCOS. In this episode, we chatted all things PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), why it's such a mystery in the medical community, the history of PCOS, causes, symptoms, and strategies for PCOS management.
Learn more about Emily Duncan
IG: @em_dunc
FB: @emilyduncanfitness
Super excited to share with you the latest podcast that I had the honor of being apart of! Thanks to Phil Graham for letting me chat about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) on Elite Muscle Radio.
As someone who has PCOS, a consultant working within the industry with countless women who have hormonal imbalances of all types, and as a researcher working to better understand androgens and the female body, this is a topic near and dear to my heart.
Going into this podcast, I really wanted to host a honest conversation about PCOS. Simply put, this syndrome is dynamic, it's complex, and even within the 21st century it is still virtually 'unknown.' As a result, PCOS has become a blanket term - one without medical consensus, or a clear definition, symptoms and treatment protocols. With that being said, by talking about it openly through a multi-disciplinary perspective, my goal is to better understand the elements that make up PCOS - and more importantly, reduce the stigma and misconceptions that surround them.
Learn more about Phil Graham:
IG: @philgraham01
FB: @philgrahamfitness
There's a first time for everything... even recording a podcast! I'm so grateful to Phil Graham for having me on Elite Muscle Radio. We chatted all things #femchem - the growing use of anabolics in female gym goers, implications, how use has changed over time, and more. This is a massively complicated and controversial topic - and one that for the most part, has been completely ignored or overly simplified. Much needed attention, discussion and education can happen with opportunities such as this, so thanks again Phil for having me on your show!
Learn more about Phil Graham:
IG: @philgraham01
FB: @philgrahamfitness