contest prep

EMBODY RADIO: Women Health & Birth Control

It was AMAZING to be back on Embody Radio with the brilliant Emily Duncan. Em is good people, actually she’s the best kind of good people. Her passion and purpose make my heart smile, and I’m so proud of her and all the works she’s doing. Keep on blossoming, my friend. 

I’ll let her cover the summary of Part 1 of the show!

"You guys/gals are in for a treat today... @victoriafelkar was one of the first guests on the show (EP 5 & 6), and she’s back for two more EXCELLENT episodes! Victoria is an interdisciplinary researcher (her research is quite literally entitled “Women and Steroids”) and an all around incredible advocate for women’s health.

Today, part one of our interview does a deep dive on:

  • hormone history and where the gendering of hormones began,

  • the backstory of medicine, sport, sport medicine, endocrinology, and how it ties in to women’s health,

  • just about all you could want to know about menstrual cycles,

  • why menstruation AND ovulation are important to health,

  • outcomes of hormonal contraceptive use,

  • SOOOO much more!

She also provided us with a free and thorough menstrual cycle chart so you can start tracking your own cycle, learn whether/not and when you ovulate, and overall just become a better advocate for your own health.

Click the link in our bio to give this AMAZING episode a listen, and raise your hand 🙋🏻‍♀️ if you’d like to see Victoria as a regular guest on the show!”




Learn more about Emily Duncan
IG: @em_dunc
FB: @emilyduncanfitness

OPD Podcast - Female Hyperandrogenism


This week we were lucky enough to sit down with specialist Victoria Felkar to deep dive into multiple issues a woman may face in their health and physique development journey including birth control, hyperandrogenism and new research in female hormonal health.


Podcasts App: Optimal Physique Development





Learn more about Optimal Physique Development Podcast

Joe Jeffery
IG: @joejefferyuk

Austin Stout
IG: @austinst8 

Dean St Mart
IG: @deanstm

The Muscle Nerd Podcast: Females on Steroids

The Muscle Nerd Podcast #11

Had an awesome early morning chat with @the_muscle_nerd_podcast. In the episode we spoke about female using performance enhancing drugs or more specifically anabolic steroids. 

I’m a morning person through and through, but a 14 hour time difference meant we had to start recording at 5am. While I always strive to keep things real and make sure anything I put out is organic, authentic and candid, I have a feeling that my #felkaring was extra in this episode! Thanks again Gus for having me on. The iTunes link is in my bio!









Learn more about The Muscle Nerd Podcast:
IG: @the_muscle_nerd_podcast


Advices Radio: Muscle & Society

Advices Radio with Scott McNally #69

I had the pleasure of chatting with my good friend Scott McNally from Advices Radio to discuss social aspects of muscle. Going deeper, I was able to talk about the social and historical background on muscle, and provide context why in 2018 female muscularity is still considered as taboo in contemporary culture. 

Click the links below or search "Advices Radio" on podcast apps.








The H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sport, 
Located at University of Texas, Austin (see also online archive)
(For a glimpse of the center, check out the beginning of this clip:

History of Physical Culture Library:
Online archives

"Venus with Biceps: A Pictorial History of Muscular Women"
Book by David Chapman & Patricia Vertinsky:

"American Hunks: The Muscular Male Body in Popular Culture, 1860-1970"
Book by David Chapman & Brett Josef Grubisic

"Universal Hunks: A Pictorial History of Muscular Men around the World, 1895-1975"
Book by David Chapman & Douglas Brown

The Rogue Legends Series - Chapter 1: Eugen Sandow

Vice Sports: SWOLE
P2 - The Last of the Iron Sisters:

The 90lb Weakling

FIT: Episodes in the History
(it's hard to find but worth a watch if you do find it) 

Pumping Iron II: The Women

"Women of steel: Female bodybuilders and the struggle for self-definition," Maria Lowe (1998)

"Physical culture and the body beautiful: Purposive exercise in the lives of American women, 1800-1870," Jan Todd (1998)

"Building Bodies (Perspectives on the Sixties)," Pamela Moore (1997)

"Bodymakers: A Cultural Anatomy of Women's Bodybuilding," Lelsie Heywood (1998)

"Critical Readings in Bodybuilding," ed. Adam Locks & Niall Richardson (2012)

"Making the American Body: The Remarkable Saga of the Men and Women Whose Feats, Feuds, and Passions Shaped Fitness History," Jonathan Black (2013)

"Little big men: Bodybuilding subculture and gender construction," Allen Klein (1993)

"Gorilla suit: My adventures in bodybuilding," Bob Paris (1997)



Learn more about Advices Radio:
YOUTUBE: Advices Radio

SWIS 2016 Clip: The Prep Myth

A clip from my talk at SWIS 2016 on Muscle Hypertrophy & Fat Loss Nutritional Strategies for Female Competitors. 


· · · ·

See more at:
FB: SWIS Symposium 2016
IG: @SWIS2016 

Ken Kinakin:
FB: Ken Kinakin
IG: @kenkinakin


SWIS 2016 Clip: Post-Comp Strategies

From my talk at the 2016 SWIS Symposium on Female Competitor Health. In this clip from the SWIS 2016 Video library,  I discuss post competition strategies, and introduce the cconcept of changing your training strategy to re-frame how you think about your body post-show. 

See more at:

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Access to SWIS videos
FB: Swis Video

SWIS 2016 Clip: PCOS

From my talk at the 2016 SWIS Symposium on Female Competitor Health. In this clip from the SWIS 2016 Video library,  I discuss PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and the steroid list women may take for competition ... aka pixiedust. 


Learn more about SWIS:
Access to SWIS videos
FB: Swis Video

SARMs for Women

In this Q&A I tackle a question about SARMs for women, but in doing so open up a bigger conversation about the "new" kids on the anabolic block and the importance of information literacy.

A VF Kitchen Secret: Cube Life

Nut butter, portion control & ice cube trays.

Did you know that 1 tablespoon is equal to 1 cube in a basic ice cube tray?

This discovery helped me with my day-to-day eating on the go and also has been a brilliant solution for nut or seed butter portion control 101 ... we all know how easy 1 tbsp can turn into 1/2 cup when eyeballed and measured with our stomachs. 

Here's what I do. Add a bit of melted coconut oil to my softened nut butter (for me it's sunflower seed).


Coconut oil is solid at room temp and condenses quickly at lower temperature, which allows for the cubes to be stored in the fridge as solid squares and not gooey messes. I like to add in some cinnamon and maple extract, then portion and stick in the the freezer for a bit to harden. Pop out the cubes and store in the fridge.

There you have it - an easy grab and go fat serving without the mess, fuss and no chance to deviate! 

Clearing Up Clenbuterol

A Dopers Delight or Misused Stimulant?

Following the Olympics in 1992, a new breed of stimulant gained global recognition. Hailed as the “dopers delight”, this anti-asthma medication was special. Not only could it be used as a stimulant but many believed it could also enhance muscle growth. Only 4 years earlier, steroid guru Dan Duchaine introduced the bodybuilding world to this same drug - which to this day remains one of our sports most misunderstood and misused compounds: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride.

Targeting specific receptor sites in the body’s sympathetic nervous system (SNS), Clen is a selective beta-2 sympathomimetic… wait, a what?

A car backfires and subconsciously you jump off your couch - this is an automatic physiological response initiated by our SNS in response to a perceived threat. Known as fight-or-flight, this response is the result of the release of a hormone called norepinephrine (NE). To work, NE has to bind and activate a specific receptor in your body called a beta-2 receptor. Think of this like a lock and key. Only one key (NE) can both fit (bind) and unlock (activate) one lock (beta-2 receptor).

This is where Clen comes in. Clen acts as a “fake” key that can unlock only some beta-2 receptors (why it’s called “selective”).  

Although its labeled use is an anti-asthma medication, Clen is able to unlock fat and muscle tissue cells throughout the body. Like other beta-2 agonists, clen is a “thermogenic” = Clen-sweats. This is caused by an increase in body temperature and metabolic rate, as well as its ability to directly target fat cell breakdown of triglycerides to free fatty acids is what makes Clen such as popular “fat loss” drug.

Its anabolic capabilities however are still up for debate. Although since the early 90s bros have been using clen as a part of post-cycle therapy or as an alternative to steroids to get “lean-gains”, there remains no human research (animal studies only) that provide evidence to support an increase in lean muscle mass as a result of clen. Regardless, Clen has become a stable drug for many athletes both inside and out of bodybuilding. While Clen-shreds may sound enticing, they certainly don’t come without controversy and concern. It doesn’t matter how Clen gets into your body – inhaled, pill or liquid form, or injected, remember this: Clen is dangerous.

Keep in mind that clen is different than other beta-2 agonists or stimulants based off: specificity, potency, and duration of effect. This makes for steady, strong blood levels of Clen, which often are easy to achieve with just a single or twice-daily dose (thanks to its 35-hour half-life). After a few weeks (usually 4-6 weeks) the body’s beta-2 receptors slowly stop responding due to a process called “down regulation” … simply put, they stop responding and require rest (aka. stop the drug).

However, like other performance enhancers, Clen is great at turning users into complete idiots by tempting them with magical everlasting results. What follows is the “more is better, longer is better” complex.       

From developing a psychological dependency based off ill-informed perceptions that Clen can be used long term, to the fact that users gauge the effectiveness of the drug based off the presence initial side effects such as shaky hands, insomnia, sweating and nausea – it appears that we have a growing Clenhead epidemic on our hands.  

Yes, initial side effects should dissipate after a few days and this does NOT mean that the drug has stopped working, so please stop boosting the dose to supersonic levels and somehow believe that stacking it with other stimulants will results in “better results” and not a cardiac arrest. Wake up and education yourself on drug dependency and the long term effects of Clen that happen even after beta-2 receptors stop “responding.”

Not only that, due to its strength, long half-life, and perceived effectiveness, there is such thing as Clen toxicity – which is why in Canada it’s not available for human use even with a prescription, and within veterinary practice has dramatically declined over the past few years.

Clen has never been made available for human or animal use in the US, and within sport clen it is completely banned regardless of the fact that some countries around the world (Bulgaria, Russia and China) continuing to prescribe it as a therapeutic drug. (… cough cough, the IOC wonders why there has been an increase of athletes with “asthma”).

Since the mid-90’s, it’s even illegal to use Clen to bulk-up livestock. Not only were the animals questionable, but those who ate Clen’d meat suffered symptoms of Clen overdose, such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Just an FYI to athletes who travel - be mindful that not all countries have banned its use in livestock. Anti-doping agencies have reported a number of cases where athletes tested positive for Clen after eating contaminated meat … or at least that’s what the athlete told officials after being caught Clen-handed.

Regardless of the fact that Clen is pretty much illegal for ALL consumption, it continues to be widely available on the black market and used for performance enhancement. From the consumption of cocaine in 18th century, amphetamine use during cold-war and now to today’s Clenheads – even though athletes have been using stimulants for centuries it doesn’t make it safe or smart. 


Originally Published: Insider Controversy, Muscle Insider Magazine, 29: June/July 2016


Post-Prep Health Influencers

Pro cards don't grow on trees.

We all don't have what it takes to make it to the Olympia.

Some people will never have abs no matter how "clean" they eat.

The higher you climb - or the more you "grind" during a prep - often results in a harder post-comp crash.

These may not seem like complicated ideas, but time and time again I find these are some of the biggest culprits in why health takes a nose-dive post show.

While sipping my coffee this morning, I decided to hop back on the VF video train and recap some introductory points that I spoke to at the Van Pro Show.

From the mentality people have about competing, to the numerous internal and external variables that are manipulated to get to the stage - the ways that we look, think and talk about competing have an absolutely enormous but often understated effect on the health of an athlete.


Resources on Women & Steroids

QA in 8:

Resources that Discuss Women & Steroids

In the first Q&A in 8, I try to start a much bigger conversation on women and anabolic steroids, specifically highlighting a question about potential resources.

In the first Q&A in 8, Victoria starts a much bigger conversation on women and anabolic steroids, specifically highlighting a question about potential resources.


The Bigger Prep Picture


VF Uncensored

The bigger prep picture

In this video I discuss a few key, yet often overlooked elements of contest prep. By asking some tough questions, I try to get critical in order to educate about the bigger prep picture.

My goal with VF Uncensored is to host a longer, uncensored conversation, on various topics that are taboo, lack information and scholarship, or simply have never been discussed before.

In this episode, Victoria discusses a few key, yet often overlooked elements of contest prep. By asking some tough questions, Victoria gets critical in order to educate about the bigger prep picture. The goal of VF Uncensored is to host a longer, uncensored conversation, on various topics that are taboo, lack information and scholarship, or simply have never been discussed before.

Muscle Minds: Sex, Gender & Anabolics

Advices Radio: Muscle Minds with Dr. Scott Stevenson and Scott McNally #19


I'm back with my good friend Dr Scott Stevenson, and his partner in podcast crime Scott McNally, on Muscle Minds to answer listeners questions and discusses gender issues and how they have impacted female anabolic steroid use









Learn more about Advices Radio:
YOUTUBE: Advices Radio



Muscle Minds: FemChem

Advices Radio: Muscle Minds with Dr. Scott Stevenson and Scott McNally #17


I joined my good friend Dr Scott Stevenson, and his partner in podcast crime Scott McNally, on Muscle Minds to help dispel myths and inform our community about hormones as they relate to females.









Learn more about Advices Radio:
YOUTUBE: Advices RAdio



Become Unf*ckwithable: Bodybuilding's Elephants

Become Unf*ckwithable with Mindy Harley #9

Discussing the Elephants in The Bodybuilding Industry

There's a lot of misinformation in the ever evolving world of bodybuilding. From the delicate hormones of women and gender specific training to the so-called "safer than steroids" SARMs", Mindy and I dicuss how it's become increasingly harder to find good solid research in a sea of one sided forums and outdated articles.





Learn more about Mindy Harley:
IG: @mindyharleyofficial
FB: @mindyrocksolidharley




EMBody Radio: Females & Androgens

EMBody Radio with Emily Duncan #11

PART 2: Female Athletes and Androgenic Drugs

Part 2 of the interview I did with the wonderful Emily Duncan of EMBody Radio. In the second half of the podcast, we chatted about the pink jacked elephant of the fitness industry - women and anabolic steroids, the implications of AAS on female athletes, if steroids can be taken safely, and some of the more intricate workings around females and anabolic drugs. 






Learn more about Emily Duncan
IG: @em_dunc
FB: @emilyduncanfitness

EMBody Radio: PCOS

EMBody Radio with Emily Duncan #10

Part 1: PCOS History, Causes, Symptoms and Management

Super excited to share part 1 of the podcast I did with Em Duncan of #embodyradio on PCOS. In this episode, we chatted all things PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), why it's such a mystery in the medical community, the history of PCOS, causes, symptoms, and strategies for PCOS management.  





Learn more about Emily Duncan
IG: @em_dunc
FB: @emilyduncanfitness


Elite Muscle Radio: Girls on Steroids

Elite Muscle Radio with Phil Graham #64

GIRLS ON STEROIDS? The Growing Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Female Fitness


There's a first time for everything... even recording a podcast! I'm so grateful to Phil Graham for having me on Elite Muscle Radio. We chatted all things #femchem - the growing use of anabolics in female gym goers, implications, how use has changed over time, and more. This is a massively complicated and controversial topic - and one that for the most part, has been completely ignored or overly simplified. Much needed attention, discussion and education can happen with opportunities such as this, so thanks again Phil for having me on your show! 





Learn more about Phil Graham:
IG: @philgraham01
FB: @philgrahamfitness